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how to care your skin in summer

I know all of you want a good and clear (glowing) skin.Because a glowing and clear skin always look attractive as he Was man or women. Both want a clear skin.

How to get clear and glowing skin in summer?

There are some tips to get clear glowing skin?

*First of all you have to drink more and more water in a day. This will boost your skin goodness.

if have have some acne or oily skin you have to use a facewash clean and clear.

This facewash clear your skin oil and make it glowing.If you have too much acne problems on your face you have to use garnier acnefight facewash. Which help to remove your acne.

This is the best facewash I have tried it .
And I will see very good results from it.
Recommended for you.

*Second method to take care of skin or remove acne pimples.

Firstly you have to use alovera gel on your face.just apply alovera gel on face for 10 minutes and wash it with cold water.

*second point ÷You have to use rose water before sleep.This will glow your skin whole of next day.And prevent your skin from acne and pimples.


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